
By brambleblossom


Well the young lady who generally sits in the highchair featured in this shot didn’t make an appearance as Jess couldn’t get off her street due to a high snowfall over Darwen which completely bypassed adjoining Blackburn. We were sorry to have missed the extra snow .

Anyway, we reverted to our former plan which was to sort out the annual tax return . It takes more than a day but we have made a good start! I discovered that there is 43 week delay in sorting out national insurance contributions which will impact on what happens on my 66th birthday! I’ve been up many
cul de sacs on the Government website. Eventually I joined a customer forum and am hoping for some useful responses .
Freya and her mummy were very pleased to get an extra day together , I think tomorrow might turn out to be tricky too , there are some amazing clouds building up in what was a clear , moonlit sky. Snow is forecast !

Today, I found the headspace to try out the slow cooker function on our new appliance and what was previously an overnight job of cooking a bean and root vegetable stew was done in 4 hours . It’s a bit too liquidy though so is more of a soup . A good excuse for NC to eat toast! Less taxing than the paperwork he has been immersed in through the day .

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