I haven't slept well for a couple of nights, I wake up by four and can't go back to sleep properly, something seems to worry me. I finally got up at half past nine for a late breakfast and decided to go for a long walk in the sort of sunny, cold weather. At the moment we have proper minus degrees, around -6 and no wind so I had a seven km walk which woke me up properly.
Theatre again today, another matiné performance by the revue. I give you two fotos, one to show the old original colouring of the walls and one of my colleagues waving, the boys are in charge of the wardrobe. The exta shows the current object of hate, the code-lock. Yesterdays chaos was repeated but I was better prepared today and could handle the frustration among the audience better. I'm going to spend tomorrow writing a list of what's not working, how it's supposed to work, how the users, our audience use it and why it goes wrong. Hopefully our bosses understands that some action has to be taken, quickly, or we will lose the good reputation we've had for the last hundred years.
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