A day in the life

By Shelling


The wind has blown away for now but there is more coming. The Geraniums has chosen this time to flower, they seem to like it here. I had time to play a little in the morning before I had to leave for town to do some errands and then work at the Revue companies matiné performance. 

I've mentioned in earlier blips that the theatre is going through a series of renovations, the one that just finished is the public entrance that has got back its original colouring from 1876 and now looks beautiful. Someone decided that in stead of two counters where you could leave your coat and pay €2 for someone to take care of it, we only needed one and replaced the other for cupboards where you can store your jacket yourself for free. 
Another of the theatres in town has tried this solution and it has been a success. They used cupboards locked with keys and the someone in charge of decisions at the theatre decided that it would be an even more modern idea to have code-locks instead of using old-school keys. 

Can you imagine the chaos these locks can cause in an audience consisting mostly of elders who seems to have problems reading grey numbers on a black background and understand "simple" instructions? They can barely reach the higher cupboards and if they choose the lower ones they have to be on their knees to get their coats in and then can hardly get up again. There are also many ways to get it wrong because it's too difficult to understand. You have to invent a four digit code that you have to remember until after the show and also remember the number on the cupboard you put your coat in. We, the staff, are furious about this system and that nobody asked for our opinion. I could easily foresee the problems that could arise the second I heard about the idea but I was totally wrong, it got much, much worse than I could imagine. 

Sorry about this rant, I couldn't hold it back, I'm so frustrated. Tomorrow I'll have to go through it again, I'll take a couple of fotos for you. 
The flowering Geraniums has a calming effect though.

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