I focussed on the little grebe and just as I took the photo, it dived. So this is a bum shot, in both senses of the word. Although I quite like it.
As the forecast was for sunny intervals (which failed to materialise) I travelled over to Southport today, having a walk around the seafront in the morning, a tea room on Lord Street for lunch, and then RSPB Marshside in the afternoon.
Two extras. A snow bunting, superbly camouflaged - I would have missed it but for a couple of people training their cameras on it. It’s a scarce winter visitor to the UK. And the end of Southport’s very long pier, with a flock of pink footed geese wheeling over it. The pier has been closed for two years with no sign of it ever reopening, too expensive for the council to deal with.
PS This blip marks 11 years of blipping. What started out as a New Years Resolution to take a photo every day for one year somehow never stopped.
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