Lace spaghetti!
This morning was frosty again and I had to de-ice the car to drive it. I needed to do some food shopping plus a few jobs in town.
One job was a visit to the cobbler's shop to see if he could repair my walking boot blipped here.
He can do it (which I'm glad about). He can re-heel the boot but not with the same heel as they don't make the same type. He's also going to put a new bootlace eyelet on one of the boots which was lost a long time ago.
He's a bit dour and mumbles too and when he said that the repair would cost " 'undred and twenty" I was shocked. I asked him to repeat it and he had actually said "Under twenty" - much more acceptable!!
He sells shoes as well as mending them and I couldn't resit this pile of laces on the counter inside!
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