
By Nettenet

New Year…

New me?! Hmmm…

Both Mr C and Lucy were back to work today.

I took the tree down and all the other bits and pieces.  This last year I’ve become very sedentary and a bit of a couch potato if I’m honest so I’ve downloaded an exercise app to do at home and I also took myself off for a little walk, but by golly it was cold.  Day one complete now let’s see if I can achieve day two lol.

I had a chuckle when I saw the extra online as one of those outfits I just happened to order with the shoes as a possible outfit for Josh’s wedding.

My grateful for today ~ 

When something I ordered before Christmas arrived today (due to our rubbish delivery service here) and there was no invoice included and was told it was a gift… and our friendship was enough.  How kind was that!  It made my day.  Thank you…. You know who you are :-)

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