Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


When I go to the Community Fridge on a Thursday morning, I usually set up the Prayer Table.  This includes lots of different leaflets and also posters and Bibles - because of course, the Community Fridge is run by Gorse Hill Baptist Church, so we are “not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ”.

We also have several different agencies that come into the Community Fridge, mostly on a Monday, so we have various leaflets detailing their services, such as Cancer Counselling, Worried About Money, and How to Claim Different Benefits, all of which are helpful to give out to the customers.

One of my jobs at the Community Fridge is to go and sit in the café and talk to people, and often when chatting, we ask if there is anything they would like us to pray about for them or with them.  Many of our customers are going through hard times, and even if we don’t pray with them then, we can pray for them at other times, which we do.

I sorted out the box of leaflets and posters back in February 2024, but over the months, it has got rather untidy, so Heather asked if I would bring it home and “sort it out” during Christmas and New Year - so today was an ideal day to do this, as it needs to be back at the Church ready for use when we open again on Monday, 6th January.  

When I first sorted it, I carefully labelled the various leaflets and put them into see-through envelopes, but they had got rather messy - so now, hopefully, for a few months at least, they will be tidier, but I guess this is a job much like painting the Forth Road Bridge - you do it and then you do it again - and again!

The sun is shining today so I am doing this in our conservatory and it is lovely and warm out there, so a win/win situation.  When I originally sorted this out, I bought a basket from one of the supermarkets - told the man I needed it for the Community Fridge and he let me have it for a low price, which was great.  However,  I forgot to take a photograph of the messy basket - you will just have to believe me - but it does look much better now as you will see from the top little shot, so I may even get a Gold Star from Heather!  M xx  

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