
By Wildwood

The rosy fingers of dawn were barely visible under a thick layer of dark cloud this morning. As portents go, it wasn't encouraging, as it quickly faded, replaced by the lowering weather. It is, of course, January, so I don't put much stock in weather as anything but, well, weather. 

 We will spend the first day of the new year in front of the television watching an endless stream of football games. Growing up in Pasadena as I did, I have always had a a passing interest in the Rose Bowl, and a more than passing interest in the Rose Parade as I participated in it in a variety of ways over the years. I have great memories of marching in it, riding on a float and helping to build floats, but we were so intent on getting Spike out on a walk before it rained that I completely forgot to watch it this morning.

I made my traditional pot of beans for good luck in the coming year. I think we await it with some trepidation and that it will take more than luck to make this period of reflection between election and inauguration a call to action for Democrats to enter the fray with renewed energy and that the great political divide can be narrowed. We need to start working together.

Happy New Year and here's to a reasonable 2025.

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