
By dogwithnobrain

I like to ride my bicycle

What a long exhausting day

First off big breakfast. Nom 

Second off Jess and Tooli recalled 19.years since High School Musical and we had to tolerate two thirty year old eleven year olds singing their hearts out to all the songs.   Of course I put It on for them.  That Zac Efron is a very good looking boy 

Then Boy wanted to Run.   Tooli wanted to run with him.... I suggested I cycled.  Jess came too 

Three miles we did.   

Probably the most exercise I've had for months between work pressure /.arthritis /.chest infections

Then home for Tooli's steak pie and my Brussel sprouts .... Followed by a boozy trifle, port and after eights and then....

Tooli's quiz of the year...

This is her marking the papers. Six rounds. One general knowledge. One geography and then one specialist round each.   If a competitor equalled or beat the specialist round of another competitor they won extra points 

It was very good fun and much shouting 

Boy won.  Run away with it really 

I don't mind. Tooli had a ball planing and executing It. We all had Great fun 

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