The Trolley System
Happy New Year!
The wild weather eased up mid-day here so I made the most of it by collecting all the old, unused hymnbooks from church.
Two years ago, a bequest meant we could invest in new ones, and the time has finally come to deal with the ones we don't use any more. The main books had been offered out across the diocese, but no takers... I had already decided it would be easier on me to bring them all home, partly because I'm basically more ruthless at getting rid of stuff that others are convinced could be passed on but also partly so I could sort out a small set of the best ones for "just in case" use slowly over the next few weeks. I do only live a five minutes walk from church!
Yes, I do seem to own more shopping trolleys than one person needs. One is in permanent use as the organist's, one is my shopping trolley, and the spotted one (which I never liked, but got in a moment when it was the only one available!) gets pressed into service if need be as it's got slightly more capacity than the black ones. At the moment it's holding about half of the hymn books that got retired two years ago. I did three trips to and from church, and have at least two more to do. (Yes, I also think at least two of my predecessors could have done some of this clearing out!!)
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