Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

A peaceful end to the year

Oscar and Daisy get along pretty well together, especially when there is food on offer.  They stayed out far too long this evening, despite the wild weather. I'm bracing myself for another power cut. At least I know where everything is now.

I woke feeling dreadful. Too many difficult memories had flooded in during sleep. I pulled myself together and headed for the hospital for Margret's appointment with the Plastics nurses.

Her wound continues to improve and there is no sign of infection. The team in outpatients are delighted, especially because the wound looks clean and the whole leg is much less swollen.

By the time we returned to the ward, it was lunchtime, so I went to the canteen to pick up a sandwich and a coffee. We had lunch together.

It has not been the easiest year of my life, but there have been very good parts as well as the challenges. I can be happy that Mum was able to stay in her own home until the final accident. I regret not asking to bring her home then, but she was really too ill to move. 

Life moves onwards and I've been able to pick up travelling again and seeing friends and family. I've had wonderful support, including you lovely Blippers.

I'd like my back to behave so that I can walk for longer distances, but, overall, I can't complain. 

It will be good to see Margret settled into a nursing home of her choice in the New Year.

I had seen only about 20 minutes of Wallace and Gromit so I watched the rest and loved it. I knew to look out for various references. My favourite was Madam Butter Pies. It you haven't seen it do look out for Paradise Lost too. I hope I don't have nightmares about evil garden gnomes (never liked them)!

I hope that most of you will be tucked up in bed for a peaceful night...... 

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