Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Just Traditions

It's the end of another year. In the past, I've taken the opportunity to look back on the past year, which I ended up, unintentionally doing a few days ago when I hit my 1,095 post milestone. So, instead of repeating myself, I'm going go look forwards to 2025 (thus stealing tomorrow's post idea).

The journey I started in September 2023 will continue. The healing I've found over the last sixteen months (almost) will go on. It must. I can't hang in limbo. Either I go forwards or I go back. I can't afford to go backwards because I don't want to turn into the person I was. Not just for my own sake, but also for my precious son's sake. As my journey to restoration continues, so does his. He has changed and grown so much since we came here and not just physically and developmentally, but his character has really shown itself in ways I never imaged. He is a happy, contented boy with a stubborn streak (like me). 2025 will be a year when we both continue to develop and heal.

New Year's Eve is just a tradition. I don't have to stay up to welcome the New Year in; though it's unlikely I'm be able to stay awake until then. I don't have to be with people to celebrate, nor do I have to spend the evening eating and drinking (the idea of alcohol actually turns my stomach now). It's like Christmas, a tradition that many people celebrate because they've grown up with it. I grew up with it, and choose to do what I feel is right.

However, I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy New Year! May 2025 be a year of adventure and blessing for you and your family, both the one you were born into and the one you've chosen to be a part of.

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