From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

We’ve had fun!

A quiet day, gathering together things from the last days to go back into the loft or under the bed until next year or the next visit.

It’s been a lovely time with the younger family. Some of what we’d planned/ suggested didn’t happen but we’re able to be spontaneous and thoroughly enjoyed the alternatives.

I’m way behind here. Bed has called early for all the grownups, and mornings begin sooner than we’re used to! I shall share photos of special moments though.

We’ve been to a pantomime, visited Knole Park and the girls have cycled through the heavy mist into a woodland wonderland and seen deer. It was decided a visit to the coast would be great yesterday, so Brighton it was. A walk along the front to The Lanes and a super pizza lunch. Time to throw stones into the sea before they headed home to Cambridge and we to our neck of the woods.

Today, my cold seems to have returned. Or am I just tired after the full days we’ve had…

My New Year greetings to you all here on Blip. It’s a great place to listen, share and support each other. Thank you.

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