
By IainatCreel

Scapa Flow - The Crossing

The MV Hoy Head glides across Scapa Flow for its penultimate crossing of the year from Houton to Lyness.  On board, the casino is unusually busy.  They are having a happy Hogmanay – I trust you will all do the same.  In an unexpected move I broke my rake today.
As you may have noticed, on all the major terrestrial TV stations in the last two weeks, the papers for the Creel HQ end of year exam paper have been pouring in.  Ten extra postal employees have had to be engaged in Kirkwall.  Their weddings are expected in May.  The process has been overseen by the SQA. 
Remember, the previously posted answers were as follows:

1.       When Desmond met Hermione
2.       Cruden Bay in a dense haar
3.       Laurens van der Post’s Nanny
4.       f22
5.       Phil Andering
6.    Condemned to watching endless repeats of a Cannon and Ball Christmas Special
7.       A waitress with watercress*
8.       Beef and kittens
9.       Val Doonican’s first cousin.
10.   Congleton
*Cuba was also acceptable
It has to be said there have been some highly inventive questions supplied to the answers.  rmeinz was in first place (he was also placed 2nd, 3rd and fifth).  Blipper ‘Drewie’ spoiled his paper (he took it out to a circus and then a cinema).  Gilly tried bribing the judges – it worked.  She was awarded an extra ten points for ingenuity.  A trolley finished in 4th place.   There was a photo finish for 19th. 

All correspondence will be entered into.  The Editor’s decision is Lionel. 

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