Capital adventures

By marchmont

Happy Christmas

Christmas went by as Christmas always does.  Started early with pics of the dawn, just after 7, some tv and nails then off next door.  I was going to buy Fang a present from Jaya but had to go back for something so didn't but actually I had plenty time as it was nearly 9.30 before presents were opened after 10 before that exercise was finished.  The girls tend to open one and then stop to play with it or use it, in Amelia's case the make up set. They get so much.

#2 son and S arrived just before 10.30 as we were having the Buck's fizz and smoked salmon bagels.  Fang had gone by that time.  There were more presents after brunch.  Amelia was delighted with her cat headphones. 

#1 son (who hadn't got to bed till 4 a.m., furniture removal and present wrapping) had a lot of prep to do.  I think he could have done some of it yesterday.  The first guests arrived early at 1.30 p.m. followed by the last one J.  Drinks were poured, tables were moved and I had to do the pastry on the Beef Wellington, not easy as it was hot, the beef wasn't in single pieces and the pastry (ready rolled) went sticky very quickly.

Then just after 3 we sat down for dinner, which went amazingly well, given all the changes of the last couple of days. The beef was really good, though the pastry a bit well done, but that's the oven.  My Christmas pudding was really good but I was a bit worried about how long the Waitrose one flamed for, all that fat.  'Baby' Brent (2 and a half) was amazing just kept going and refused to sleep.

After dinner we spoke to Mum, Olivia did magic tricks, there was more wine and then after Bryan and co left we spoke to #1 son, H and Mum by video call.  Looked a sunny day in Edinburgh.

Then 'Cards Against Humanity' family edition for over an hour.  By this time I was flagging and I went home as the girls were going to bed about 10.15.  Crashed on the sofa, exhausted, and crawled into bed just as the day ended.

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