Bore tawel, nos dawel
Bore tawel, nos dawel ~ Silent morning, Silent night
“Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be a very silent place if no birds sang except the best.”
― Henry van Dyke
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Pan rydw i'n cerdded yn y bore cynnar (fel heddiw, hwre), mae'n atgoffa i fi o redeg yn y bore cynnar. Un o'r pethau mwynheais i oedd y tawelwch, di ceir ar y ffordd, a bod yn gallu clywed yr adar. Felly nawr, er dydw i ddim yn rhedeg, rydw i'n gallu mwynhau llawr o'r pethau roeddwn i'n arfer mwynhau o'r blaen.
Heddiw gwelais i'r pengwin hwn mewn gardd. Rydw i'n cofio tynnu ffotograff o'r un ardd (heb bengwin) o'r blaen.
Heddiw es i ar y beic i wneud tipyn bach o siopa olaf. Roedd rhaid i mi chwilio i ffeindio sudd afal. Roedd y rhan fwyaf o leoedd wedi'u gwerthu allan. Ond yn y diwedd ffeindiais i rai.
Felly nawr rydyn ni'n bron yn barod am y diwrnod mawr.
Gwylion ni 'A Christmas Carol' gyda'r nos, gyda'r gobaith bydd ysbrydion yn ymweld â misers cyfoethog a gwleidyddion a'u hatgoffa nhw am y bobol dlawd yn y byd
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When I'm walking in the early morning (like today, hooray), it reminds me of running in the early morning. One of the things I enjoyed was the silence, no cars on the road, and being able to hear the birds. So now, even though I don't run, I can enjoy a lot of the things I used to enjoy before.
Today I saw this penguin in a garden. I remember taking a photograph of the same garden (without penguins) before.
Today I went on the bike to do a little bit of final shopping. I had to search to find apple juice. Most places were sold out. But in the end I found some.
So now we are almost ready for the big day.
We watched 'A Christmas Carol' in the evening, with the hope that ghosts will visit rich misers and politicians and remind them of the poor people in the world
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Mwy o oleuadau Nadolig, gan gynnwys pengwin mewn gardd
Description (English) : More Christmas lights, including a penguin in a garden
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