Merry Choco-ristmas!
On This Day In History
1962: To Kill A Mockingbird opens in cinemas
Quote Of The Day
"The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience."
(Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird )
The great unwrapping is over and everyone is happy with their gifts. K was delighted with the Perfect Man and the Swiss Miss I bought for her, and I am happy with all the chocolates and sweets I received. We've agreed some Christmas season family viewing for the next few days; this evening, V chooses the Frozen Christmas Special. Later, K chooses Drop Dead Gorgeous (we both love that one), and then I choose Flash Gordon. A has yet to decide (perhaps I can persuade him to choose Lego Batman.)
Today's music choice has to be the best Christmas song ever:
Merry Christmas Everyone
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