This morning I headed across to Falkland to buy some fresh fruit and vegetables. Pillars of Hercules had that atmosphere of mass panic which descends on so many shops at this time of year.
Fortunately I was unaffected. Neither was the young woman who dealt with me at the checkout. I explained I was disappointed because I had hoped to see some folk fighting over the last Brussels sprout or parsnip, but they had plenty left.
She explained they would be open until 4pm so a few scuffles could still take place later on.
We shared a giggle.
I did not buy Brussels sprouts or parsnips... just leeks and potatoes (aye, for soup) onions, apples, a pomegranate (addicted) and a mango (ditto).
Then I shapeshifted over to the Deli (causing a minor road rage incident on the way) and stocked up on wine, beer and crisps.
I now know my plans for tomorrow. Until then, hasta la vista...
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