Following instructions
I'd had instructions to take photos for our social media of the stars which a lot of the local children had made for their Christmas services in church this year. (We have five primary schools in the parish, one of which is a church school, and we currently have good connections with at least two others, it can and has varied over the years.). The first lot, on Sunday, had not come out well at all, so I had another try as it was getting darker whilst waiting for the Crib Service. I also took some afterwards when it was properly dark whilst I was getting sorted for tomorrow but I like this one best.
The organ pipes are not, alas, working ones. The current organ is a digital one, and its speakers are up in the gallery behind the pipes which does fool people into thinking they are working pipes. One day I must get up there to remove the dust... also to see if I and the organ repair man are correct in our theory that paper aeroplanes have somehow been thrown up there and have landed in the cones of the speakers. There's an interesting buzz from time to time on a long, low D pedal note, with a particular combination of stops.
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