
By dunkyc

Swans reflecting elements

The wee ones were due back to their mother/other grandparents this morning. 

The excitement levels from said wee ones were already palpable, so wishing the other grandparents godspeed, I roared away (within the national speed limit) in Big Blue to collect Ms Simmo for a walk.

What a lovely stroll we had as we walked and talked (I even got a Christmas hug)! The only mild disappointment was that Chester’s was inexplicably closed, so there was no brew and pastry at the other end of it, but it didn’t matter to be honest. It was just nice being out in the fresh, if slightly drizzly air talking about everything and nothing.

All too soon it was time to return to the real world and having warmed Ms Simmo’s freezing bum up (seat warmers in the van, you pervs) and returned her home, I manned up and ventured into the seventh circle of hell (Asda at Christmas) for some food supplies.

Then it was into town for some last minute Christmas shopping (only to find that I still need a couple more bits), a hot chocolate and to pause to listen to the brass band belting out some Christmas bangers.

Fire lit, the afternoon was lost in a sea of wrapping and festive films including Click and Collect (really funny) and Hot Frosty (really bad and not the “seminal work from a visionary auteur that will change the way we all think about Christmas” that Simmo said it was).

Getting excited now and already looking forward to Christmas Eve return of the wee ones!

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