This is the day

By wrencottage

A little light

A waning crescent moon shone palely in the sky this morning, while the last few minutes of golden hour cast a slight glow on the branches of the ash tree.

Our little granddaughter, H, was diagnosed last night with tonsillitis, a somewhat surprising diagnosis as her symptoms weren’t typical and she didn’t have a sore throat along with her high fever. However, her stomach cramps are, apparently, another symptom. She’s now on penicillin and still very poorly but hopefully will be brighter in time for Christmas. The whole family is exhausted, unsurprisingly, and Granny and Grandpa overslept this morning.

It’s been a quiet day, just doing a bit of crafting and a bit of piano practice, but I cancelled my audiologist appointment because I was too tired. Smithers has been a trouper and done lots of cooking. I think I’ll keep him on.

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