
By KathyH58

Cardinal visitor

I spotted the male cardinal in a tree in the neighbor's yard this morning. That flash of bright red is hard to miss. I looked around to see what birds were in the multiflora roses in my back yard and spotted the female cardinal. I was able to get a few photos of her without too many branches in the way.
The smaller birds managed to get some time at the feeders this morning. Chickadees and goldfinches. The white breasted nuthatch stopped by for a visit. The downy woodpecker landed on the feeder and grabbed a few peanuts since the starlings were at the suet. The sparrows tend to spend more time on the ground under the deck
I went to brunch this morning long enough to sell the 50/50 tickets. The lunch with the travel group that was supposed to be held on Saturday was rescheduled to Sunday afternoon, so I was able to attend that too. The lunch was the last event until early January.

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