
By RadioGirl

Flower Friday - Colourful Chrysanths

The one Friday when I’d arranged to meet a friend for a pre-Christmas coffee, my cleaners were even later arriving than usual. Luckily I was able to call her and postpone by 15 minutes. We ended up chatting over our refreshments for two hours. It was good to catch up, though there was also some sadness because a lovely gentleman we both knew from church died yesterday, and his wife called my friend this morning absolutely devastated. We are all so sad for her as they were devoted to one another. My late parents were quite good friends with them, and they were similarly kind and decent people. It’s truly a terrible time of year to lose someone close, as I and my family know only too well.

This afternoon I got the last few things for Christmas from local shops, so it all seems to be coming together in time despite the fairly major setback of the mislaid Christmas Book - see previous blips. Today’s (artificially) colourful flowers are courtesy of the Tiptree branch of ASDA.

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