By lizzie_birkett


…in the base of my thumb and wrist. It’s a relatively new thing for me. I’m finding it hard to open things like jars, bottles and packaging. It’s affecting my right hand which has always been my strong one.
I draw and write with my left hand but do everything else right handed
The Deep Relief helps but I can’t take Ibuprofen as it affects my tummy.
Anyway, enough of that.

I got my cards and parcels posted at our local post office.
I made the nut roast for Christmas dinner and it will go in the freezer till we go up to Sabrina’s.
Then I made some soup for me for today and tomorrow. It’s yummy, Leek and Potato with added celery, carrots and butter beans for protein.

I just watched a lovely romance film on Netflix - This Time Next Year. An easy, feel good watch.

Frank is having a nice time at Sam’s in County Antrim. They went to the beach today in the rain.
In contrast to that Sabrina and family were on the beach in La Zenia, Spain enjoying the sunshine!
Off to bed now with my book.
Goodnight :-)X

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