
As the forecast looked better for this morning, I thought I'd get out and explore a couple of local spots. The first one was a site that I'd visited once before on a walk check, and remembered as being very pleasant but difficult to navigate round - in fact I got lost. I've since seen it mentioned often in local bird reports so thought I'd have a short exploration. I managed to get lost again - or at least would have done had it not been for my trusty Map App with GPS. It was pretty windy too so I didn't hang around. On my way back, I decided to visit another spot quite close by from which, I'd been told, the views were magnificent. This was indeed the case. As the views will be enhanced by golden hour light, I decided to return another time for the landscape photos. As I enjoyed the view, I realised that there were no fewer than 3 kestrels living up to their other name of Windhover. They were sitting motionless on the stiff breeze. Sadly I am no Windhover and trying to hold the camera still was quite a challenge, as was getting the exposure right, as the birds switched between above and below the horizon. Also, my vantage point was behind the birds so I was getting a rear view. This was the only shot I managed that captured the motionless bird on the wing. I think I'll be back to that spot regularly for the views and the birds!

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