
By Juleshki


I once heard a "celebrity" in an interview, when asked what item she couldn't live without, replied that she couldn't live without her mobile phone. This was way, way back, when mobile phones first came out and very few people had them... other celebrities maybe(?).... and I simply thought, well, how silly is that?!

How silly indeed.

Is there a school child in the land who doesn't have one now, smart or otherwise?

I wouldn't say that I can't live without mine but... I would prefer not to be without it, shall we say.

They do have their uses.

Handy for taking pictures of things too.
Things I need to be reminded of.
Things that I might need.
To remind me of the price of something or where it's sold or for an idea that I might use in a project.

So what's with the masks?

Well, they sell these masks in our local stationery shop.
I will be needing quite a few of these in the next few weeks for an arts and craft session.

But at £2.49 for two?

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