Dod â golau i'r tywyllwch
Dod â golau i'r tywyllwch ~ Bringing light to the darkness
“Cézanne’s or Balzac’s artist … takes up culture from its inception and founds it anew … the artist launches his work just as a man once launched the first word, not knowing whether it will be anything more than a shout ...”
― Kurt Schwitters
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Maen eironig ein bod ni angen ffeindio grŵp arbennig i ddweud iaith ein gwlad. Dychmygwch gwnewch chi'n byw yn Lloegr ac roedd rhaid i chi ddysgu Saesneg pan roeddech chi'n oedolyn. Byddai'n ddefnyddiol ffeindio grwpiau o ddysgwyr eraill sy eisiau siarad Saesneg gyda chi. Wel dyna sefyllfa gyda fi a Chymraeg. Rydw i'n mynd i dafarn ar ben y pentref ac yn cwrdd gyda phobol eraill sy eisiau ymarfer eu Cymraeg. Mae'n anodd weithiau oherwydd rydw i'n rhannol fyddar ac mae'n anodd deall popeth i mewn y grŵp. Mae'n haws os mae cyfle gyda fi i siarad un ar un. Rydw i'n meddwl byd amser hir cyn i fi gallu siarad yn rhugl. Rydw i'n ddiolchgar mwyaf i'r bobol yn y grŵp sy'n siarad yn rhugl ac yn dod dim ond i helpu pobol arall. Maen nhw'n dod â golau i fy nhywyllwch.
Gwnaethon ni rhoi goleuadau i fyny heddiw. Roedd rhaid i ni edafu cebl trwy'r wal i addurno'r goeden y tu allan. Roedden ni wedi cael goleuadau y tu allan blynyddoedd yn ôl ond gwnaethon nhw stopio gweithio. Mae'n dda i gael goleuadau eto.
Rydw i wedi gorffen lapio anrhegion, nawr rhaid i ni taclus a glanhau'r tŷ.
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It is ironic that we need to find a special group to speak the language of our country. Imagine you live in England and you had to learn English when you were an adult. It would be useful to find groups of other learners who want to speak English with you. Well that's the situation with me and Welsh. I go to a pub at the top of the village and meet other people who want to practice their Welsh. It is sometimes difficult because I am partially deaf and it is difficult to understand everything in the group. It's easier if I have a chance to talk one on one. I think it will be a long time before I can speak fluently. I am most grateful to the people in the group who speak fluently and come only to help other people. They bring light to my darkness.
We put lights up today. We had to thread a cable through the wall to decorate the tree outside. We had lights outside years ago but they stopped working. It's good to have lights again.
I've finished wrapping presents, now we have to tidy up and clean the house.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Trwy'r ffenestr. Mae Nor'dzin y tu allan yn y glaw yn rhoi goleuadau ar y goeden..
Description (English): Through the window. Nor'dzin is outside in the rain putting lights on the tree.
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