The Original German Sausage etc
Tomorrow is the birthday of one of the Merry Widows and to celebrate her longevity we all pranced down to Brown’s in George Street for Brunch. Two hours and 3 Eggs Benedict later we rolled out replete just as a massive queue formed as people waited for a table for lunch.
My walk along George Street confirmed my thought that it has definitely overtaken Princes Street as the upmarket shopping street outwith the StJames Quarter. It is unfortunate that at the moment the Castle Street to Charlotte Square end seems to be entirely taken up by a covered ice rink and eating place. I managed to fight my way home through the crowds as the office workers were let loose to join the tourists in making the streets heave with humanity.
When I got home I found the magnetic game for Ewan which had started its travels in Idaho had actually been delivered- not a scam after all. Unfortunately having missed its recipient by a day, I have had to post it on to him, but at least he will get it for Christmas.
I can’t believe that as I write this blog when it’s almost dark with the blinds closed and lamps lit that all I seem to have done today is spend my time eating.
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