Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Today we went to Asda!...............

Don't you just hate supermarkets that don't have proper checkouts??? As one of Ann's highly intelligent friends, recently said, 'I didn't go to university to become a check-out girl'. TBH, that comment annoyed my human because no one should be thinking that they are any better than anyone else?! People who work for 'minimum wage' are necessary for the economy.

My human has been working since the age of 13 when she had her first paper round. She has worked in minimum wage jobs and she has worked in professional jobs. If she listed all the jobs that she has ever done in the last 50+ years, this BLIP would last forever...................... And ever and ever and ever.......................

Further education/university is not a big deal these days because everyone does it. When my human went to 'Teacher Training College' in 1977 less than 20% of the population went onto to further Education. These days everyone goes to University.

'Officially' no one can leave school these days until they're 18. Obviously lots of kids do. When Ann's, Grandad was a lad, he left school at 14 and went straight down the mines. By the time he was 20, he was married with a baby.

It's like everyone has to be 'academic' these days. There doesn't seem to be any option to just to follow your dreams? #theworldhasgonemad

Even in most 'minimum wage jobs', you're on a 3 month probationary period. In the 'olden days' a 3 month probationary period meant that if you couldn't do the job after 3 months, you'd be sacked. ............Not soooooooo............. in 2024. If you can't do the job after 3 months, the probationary period get's extended for another 3 months. And after 6 months, if you still can't do the job, it gets extended for another 3 months. At 9 months (when one is still rubbish at the job) you have a chat with your manager/HR personnel who says such things as, 'You're not happy here are you?'. 'Do you think you'd be happier in a role elsewhere?' They put the emphasis onto the individual so that they then hand in their resignation.

And nobody can write a negative reference these days. Because after all, it might affect someone's 'mental health' if they're told they're rubbish at their job…..................And then the company hasn't had to sack anyone.

….........Unfortunately, if people need the job, financially, (after the 9 monthly chat), they can't afford leave, so they then have to wait for another 3 months for their next review when they still cant do the job to be sacked (after a year), so at least they can claim benefits whilst they're looking for another job. ….............Sooooooo that's a whole year that people have to spend in a job that they can't actually do!!!!! …....................... When, if they'd just been told to leave after after their first 3 months, they might have had the option to move on and find something else.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD??????????????????????????????

Oh dear.......................... my human is on a right old RANT today isn't she.

To get back to ASDA................. After my human had done a bit of shopping in ASDA, I had a lovely walk down the Estuary.

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