
By KateH

The birds are back

We had to take the bird feeders down because we got rats in the thatch. We then had to make sure the rats had definitely gone and then we had to learn how to make our bird feeders rat proof.  And then we had to get round to it. 

Flattering really how immediately they were all back.  None of the specials yet but a strong cavalcade of blue tits, black birds and the bossy robin. 

Went over to Mum’s for lunch and took some photo mounts so we can go through all the albums and stick back in the photos that have come out. It will be laborious but I think we’ll both enjoy it. 

Came back for a call Jeremy W and then in the evening we went out to dinner with Chris and Lucy at a restaurant int he centre of Petersfield called Six.  Which we’d all walked past for years but which was extremely good. 

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