
By JennyOwen

Spotted in passing

A full day with Simone today. Just the two of us, as Richard had a Folklore Society errand to run, taking some books to a folklore centre in  Todmorden (long story).
As ever, we had a good time, though I was conscious of feeling tired by the afternoon. 
Simone really needs her morning naps, and I took her out in the pushchair for this; we haven't yet managed to get her into an indoor nap routine in our house (she just gets restless and keeps getting up to explore. A pity, as I would gladly have napped with her!). On our way past one end of the local park we passed this house and back yard - it's always a source of fun and entertainment.  Here they seem to have blended Christmas with Halloween - along with a Green Man and various other additions. It made me smile.

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