Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I've set up a little makeshift "studio" in the basement to try some portrait shots with Jax and Charlie.  At the moment, this consists of just a cheap black sheet hung across part of a wall under incandescent lights.  Right now, my goal is to experiment with this lens at various apertures to get the best overall focus.  I'm not there yet, but this was my favorite shot of the day.  Honestly, there was a time not that long ago when Jax would never have sat still long enough for this.  Amazing what a pocket full of treats will do.  

I'm open for any constructive feedback on this, so let me have it!  For starters, I need to throttle back the aperture a bit - this was shot wide open at f1/8 and from a distance of only about 4 feet.  Definitely not enough for good overall focus as his nose is too soft (in my opinion).  

It has been raining all day so Jax hasn't wanted to go outside other than for essential business.  Fortunately, we have some indoor toys that he likes; and Charlie engaged him in a game of chase too.  Of course, the game was deadly serious to Charlie who takes great sport in bullying him.  Today's game was Charlie on a chair just under the edge of the dining room table where he could reach out and swat Jax every time he got too close.  Apparently, Charlie is not familiar with any of the data about prey drive in terrier breeds...and evidently, neither is Jax.  

What do people without pets do for entertainment???

Tomorrow I have to get the house ready for guests, do some shopping and organize menus.  Luckily, it is Thursday so Jax will be spending the day with his dog and human friends at the Green Dog Inn.  


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