Hempsted Recycling Centre, Gloucester
We recently had a new refrigerator delivered., 185cm tall so it came with a lot of packaging. Thick cardboard, long bits of polystyrene top to bottom on each corner, a large polystyrene plinth, and the inevitable straps that spring into unmanageable straight things that are almost impossible to roll up!
so it was a tip run today, but it's not the 'tip' nowadays. I've mentioned it some time ago but we don't have any landfill in Gloucester since the incinerator began operating a couple of years ago, but we do have a very good recycling centre. The photo is the entrance to it, taken as I was leaving. If I'd been a bit quicker thinking about it I'd have stopped about 100 yards earlier and got a better shot!
The area, that used to be the land fill, is now totally grassed over and it stretches for many acres, or hectares if you want to go all Continental European! The older parts have been fields for years now and there are hundreds of sheep grazing on it. A hectare is the equivalent of 2.47 acres by the way.
The whole area is to be turned into the first eco park environment in the UK producing power from many green sources including a newly planted wood, 4,000 solar panels, wind turbines, . This is a link to a page about it, written by our, sadly, ousted MP Richard Graham who did wonders for our city. Waiting to see how the new Labour MP performs over the next few years. I've met him, nice chap but I do miss Richard, he was one of the great MP's, and you can't say that about a lot of them.
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