Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Rishton Parish Church

The Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception of Mother Mary.

Today is dry and very cold, 6c but feels like 2c. I got dressed in four light layers and my Mountain Warehouse fleece lined turquoise hoodie is perfect for this very cold spell.
I bought our newspaper and took a few carrier bags down to the Parish Church foodbank, because they are always needed to help distribute the food. They had put up the Christmas tree with lights, just inside the entrance and it looks beautiful. I bought a little handmade paper angel that Maureen and Ashley had made from deconstructing the papers of an old book and using a small wooden ball for the head. It looks good on our Christmas tree. The big angels were £6 and the money raised helps with the Church maintenance costs.
I must get on with some housework and clothes drying.
I hope you enjoy a happy Monday.
In case you are interested at 5 :30 pm on Channel 4, Kirsty's Christmas crafts. Maria and me both enjoy watching her creative ideas.

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