
By AnyOldIron

Holy Matrimony, Batman!

A lovely day of sorting photos and not doing chores today. It is the Big Bloke and my 20th anniversary in September and our present to ourselves is a great big photo album. So lots of sorting and looking like Simon Cowell as we ponder which ones make the grade. We've narrowed it down to the boot camp stage, not without a little dissent from both sides. Things may even have become a little heated at times.

You see Big Bloke and I have polar opposite approaches to just about everything. He is calm, logical and methodical, traits which are wonderful when say, working as an IT manager to bring home the bacon, or collating statistics for Sporty Boy's football team. On the other hand, some might say such traits could be more accurately described as "pernickety", or maybe even "anal". I couldn't possibly comment.

I am kind of creative and thoughtful. Great for thinking up crazy games for the kids, writing stories and dreaming big dreams. Some might call me "slapdash" or maybe even "away with the fairies". Not me, of course, but some might.

Despite this, or maybe even because of it, our marriage has lasted nearly two decades, something both of us are rather proud of. Some might wonder just how much of those two decades we have spent wanting to kill each other. I couldn't possibly comment.

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