
By Chris_P

'A Day at the Desk'

Today, I got down to at least starting what has become something of a Christmas tradition: putting together the following year's family calendar. 

The calendar includes photographs of the grandchildren and their activities over the previous year, as well as family birthdays, school term dates and so on. It will be given to everyone on Christmas Day, with a few extras posted to people who can't be there, such as my brother in Barcelona. 

It involves selecting up to a dozen possible photos that include Amélie and Paul for each month - out of often as many as a hundred - and whittling this selection down to a maximum of five (and sometimes just one) making sure that no one is left out!

Because I usually try to do some individual work on each photograph I finally choose before including it, it's quite a time-consuming exercise!

And this year, I've been using a different company, with different software, and I've discovered - to my cost - that you have to keep pressing the 'save' button or risk losing the work you've just done! 

But I'm getting there!  
(And then there is a backlog of recent family birthday videos to get down to when this is finished!)

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