Living my dream

By Mima

A no-blanket day

Way too hot for a blanket, even for Bean. 31C.

We had a very brief walk, down to the creek for a paddle. Yes, both of us. Out has come my bucket hat...quite the best head-covering for this kind of weather. Until a gust of wind gets under the rim and it sails off into the wide blue green yonder. 

I am really glad I pushed myself to do all that grass cutting yesterday. Today has been too hot for such exertions. Although I managed to garden with G this morning, it was mostly watering and gentle weeding. Nothing too strenuous.

My second Yenkro-Orkney cheese is underway. With a fair wind I will get a bit closer still to the Real Thing. And to give me a better chance there will soon be a request in The Orcadian newspaper aimed at Orkney home cheesemakers who I hope will pass on their tips to me. If any Blippers have influence, please encourage them to be kind...

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