Living my dream

By Mima

Challenge Mima

I went and collected a churn of milk this morning and stopped near the top of the hill behind Chez Mima to take this photo. All sorts of clouds, sea mist over on the horizon, vibrant rolling farmland, and the sun over my left shoulder highlighting rows of plastic-wrapped baylage in the edge of paddocks. 

The heat built up to 29C this morning and I came to a halt from more line trimming at 11.30 again. But then the clouds thickened and a breeze blew up, the temperature dropped to something slightly more reasonable and I launched myself into today's garden challenge: to finish line-trimming the Bunny Lawn and to mow all the shorter grass. 

By 4.30 I was done. And pooped. More cold beer.

Bean and I walked this morning before it got too hot. However the excitement of first a family of mallard and then a hare to chase almost brought Bean to her knees. Emergency water was administered, followed by 15 minutes rest under the shade of a tree. We made it home safely. She has had a very restful afternoon.

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