Blackbird on the 'Yule' Log
A frosty star to the day. But cloudy, so the frost melts fairly quickly. There is a bit of sunshine on the lunchtime walk. Pictured is the 'Yule' log. A name I have given to this log as it appears every December after the vegetation has died back. And it looks very festive in the snow, especially if a robin is perched on top. However, today it has a blackbird. So perhaps the robins haven't yet got the message that Christmas is just 3 weeks away. Views of Fife were quite murky, and Edinburgh Castle is dark, so looks quite menacing.
After lunch the sunny spells disappear as clouds move in. Quite dark by the time work ends. A wee walk up to view the Pentlands. But only the outline of the hills and the ski slope can be seen.
Rain moves in during the evening. The warmest part of the day is just before midnight, in the wet and dark.
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