Jon's Page

By Jon_Davey

City of Lights

After finishing off the images from last week's conference and sending them to the organisers I caught the bus up town to meet up with L, J and D and Dad and K, who had come down from Dundee on the bus. We had lunch at the restaurant at the National Gallery. We thought they might consider investing in some acoustic panels like the ones L has installed in her room as it was a little loud, just with people talking. Afterwards Dad and K headed to the bus station to catch their bus home and we wandered round the Christmas market. I noticed there were a few platforms on the grass down on the lowest level of the gardens and L and I walked down there. Clearly the city has taken heed of the viral marketing playbook, page-1, with some 'gram/Tiktok/FB-worthy sites for visitors to take their own pictures (other platforms are available). When the images are shared on social media then the visitors are doing the city's marketing rather than paying for adverts in the conventional manner. To be fair, it was a good example of this sort of thing, with all the lights.

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