This is the only picture I took today?
I had a pretty rocking day actually. I really enjoyed work, lots of brain stimulation. I think I did good things today.
I wore my alpaca base layer, that I got for Iceland. I wore my alpaca hoodie. I wore my Icelandic wool hoodie on top of that. I wore the winter coat I bought for Iceland on top of that. And I was fine. Layers. Lots and lots and lots of layers.
The Netherlands sent Ukraine three Patriot air defense launchers. We’ve known they’ve been planning to since May. The plan was for other partners to come forward with a Patriot control center and support equipment but when enough time went by and no one did the Netherlands decided to just provide more pieces themselves.
Russian arms exports have plummeted by 92%. This is hard currency they aren’t earning. They used to earn $14.6 billion a year before the new invasion. Now it is estimated that they’ll earn less than $1 billion. Add high interest rates. Many will face bankruptcy. Even 20% profit won’t save you if interest rates are 21%.
A Russian soldier reached out to partisans in Donetsk and gave the location of the Russian air defense system, and his unit’s HQ.
Ukraine has captured 717 Russian servicemen since going into Kursk.
The US and Ukraine signed an MOU in the energy sector worth $825 million to restore critical infrastructure.
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