Deep raspberry pink …..
….. ….. ….. peony; this time from a neighbour’s.
Missy & I went for a 10 min wander around to a neighbour’s to check their peonies - they’re with family in Germany for Christmas. After the rain, one was broken, so I brought it home, and the other one was completely flattened. Peonies don’t cope well with unfriendly weather.
It’s been another really hot day which I’ve found trying. It’s hard when your energy is in short supply. Still coughing.
I’ve got a few jobs done though and there’ve been phone calls and a lovely homemade slice in the mailbox from another neighbour. Daughter A. came around late afternoon, when the wind was strongest and hottest, and we sat in the shade with cool drinks. Delightful!
And! She cooked me a salmon frittata for my dinner. Spoilt rotten I am!
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