
By Angelique


Well the concert has been and gone and there's always that sad loss when something that has taken up so much of your time finally finishes. The concert in the Stogumber Church went brilliantly. Some very humerous moments and very poignant ones too.

The blip shows us with props for the Beside the Seaside song and one of our 'girls' stole the show not only putting a rubber ring on but also getting it off!! And when the group known as The Stoggymen, (they usually sing ditty type songs, like Dead Dog Cider), sang the song from Les Miserables, Bring Him Home, you could have heard a pin drop. It was beautiful.

Mind you we women did well performing I Dreamed a Dream, really enjoyed singing that.

So life returns to normal, tomorrow we take Matthew out for a trip to see trains on the main line. He loves the high speed trains as they go over the bridge. Then onto a garden centre for coffee and cake, (for Matty, not me). F1 later, although Jenson's a long way back, again!!!

The blip isn't very good quality. I apologise but as I was singing, Mr A took it from his seat.

Enjoy Sunday, whatever the weather and keep breathing!! Life is for living and as the song we also sang tonight - The Rhythm of Life, put a tingle in your fingers and a tingle in your feet.

Thank you for reading my 'dribble' and until we 'meet' again.......

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