
By PaulaJ

As exciting as. . .

. . . it got today.

My breakfast:

Chopped medjool dates, the wonderful Comice pear ( the highlight of November when they appear in the shops), my homemade granola (oats, seeds and nuts baked in maple syrup) . . .

. . . and the most luscious ‘proper’ Greek yoghurt. (It amused me at the buffet breakfast in the Athens hotel to find a huge bowl of proper yoghurt - you just couldn’t imagine them having anything to do with little, overpriced, full of sugar and additives, cartons of something that resembles yoghurt but isn’t).

Oh and there was a glass of just- squeezed orange juice but that didn’t make it to the photo.

Gordon had by then eaten his Shreddies and toast and gone into Penrith to get the car MOT and go to the Gym. He gets to do all the exciting things!

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