Savoleyres 2354m

Close to heaven. This is the view from Savoleyres, across to Les Combins and Mont Blanc.

There's a wonderful cable car to the top and it is so fresh and marvellous. Loads of butterflies (blues, Swiss brassy ringlets that I discovered last year, and different whites). They were too fast for me today.

I walked down awhile and then back up for the return journey. Mountain bikes whizzed past. One young lad needed serious encouragement from his dad.

I'm having a day with less music. I really need to understand more about this place.

I went to a breakfast with some of the other volunteer helpers. They're from all over the world. I sat next to a Swedish couple from Paris, a lady from Novosibirsk who's now based in Lausanne and an American lady who divides her time between Verbier and Hawaii. Fascinating.

Last night's concert was Yevgeny Kissin. Tomorrow I'm hoping to see Rufus Wainwright.

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