
My snapshot today is of a guy on West Traverse Bay having fun on his Flyboard.

It works quite like the water-powered jetpack. The Flyboard is attached to your feet, with nozzles. Water from a jet ski is pumped up a tube. The water that is pumped up is ejected from nozzles at high speed and it creates a thrust that gets you airborne.

I went in to town to have lunch with my cousin, whom I see once a year when she and her family travel up here to visit her parents and vacation at the beach for a week every summer. I parked near the shore and was headed for the restaurant when I spotted this activity across the road at the beach. I though to myself, "that would be a good blip... too bad I don't have my camera on me." When, in fact, my camera was in my car, I just have a very short memory these days... So I grabbed it and shot this in between passing cars. I knew it would be lack luster, as it was very overcast/hazy at this moment and I didn't have my polarizing filter with me. :( But it's something different anyway. I had fun watching this for a few minutes and then had to hurry off to lunch. We had a great time, and of course, time flew by and was way too short.

During our lunch it started to rain and has been raining ever since. So, I really haven't had a chance to take any more shots today. My husband & I just got back from the wettest dog walk we've ever been on. (It's raining so hard, there is a river flowing down the street. And no, we don't know enough to come in out of the rain...) ;) We had so much fun and laughed the whole way. Though, I did remember that I should have taken my waterproof camera with me on the walk a little late when we were almost home... My memory is really failing me today... :-/ Next time, as the dogs shaking water off would make a great shot. Too bad it's too dark now.

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