Devil Dog….
Another day of frost.
Cattle fed then out with the kettles to defrost water troughs in sheds so cattle get a drink. By tonight they had frozen again so had to go through the same process.
Had to put a new metal halide bulb in one if the floodlights in the slatted shed. Decided that maybe I’m getting too old for being 30 ft up a ladder, but got there in the end.
One of the machinery dealers I spoke to at Agriscot last week came out to see an old trailer that needs to be replaced. Eventually struck a deal for a new one, and traded in the old one plus a dung spreader that’s surplus to requirements.The price of machinery is getting far too dear, but the longer you keep stuff before you change it the bigger the gap gets. So it’s a catch 22 position.
Took the terriers for a walk tonight. The only way to keep track of them in the dark is to put these flashing collars on them.
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