PJ & Cakes day

3years 278days

Today is Sponsored Pyjama Day at nursery. Or "Pay to send her in clothes that we've tried for most of the last 2 years convincing her Not to go to nursery in" Day! She is very amused about it though. Although unimpressed at the notion of shoes with the jammies and as soon as she put her jammies on this morning she told me she wanted to go in the wrap to nursery instead of having to put shoes with them. She has some with her but looked at me in disgust when I said she might want to wear them to play outside!

Its also a cake stall week as part of the whole fundraising effort. Which has something to do with Peppa Pig, I am not too sure what! Anyway, we finished off our crispie cakes this morning with gold spray and all was well.

She is very excited as Grandad is picking her up from nursery today!

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