
By Tryfan46

Bees on the alliums

Spent a challenging time trying to capture a shot of bees on Susan's alliums. She's grown a pot of these wonderful flowers especially to attract the bees and what a success they have bee(n).

All day the flowers have been covered in up to 12 bees of many different species including honey bees and lots of different bumblebees, some like this chap others more black and shiny and some with orange colouring instead of the yellow. But all gorging themselves on the nectar in these flowers.

Difficult to take a shot as it was quite windy, moving the alliums around, the allium is spherical, the bees would not stay still (!) and the camera lens was throwing a shadow on the object. This was the best of the bunch.

Earlier in the day we'd seen Ella and her mum and dad before they left to begin their journey back to Scotland, via Brighton and other places. Then I'd gone for a run and spent the rest of the day involved with gooseberries, making jam, picking the blighters, topping and tailing them and finally stewing them into submission.

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