It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Make it Simple

I was reading a photography magazine on the way home on the train tonight. How it struck me how it focussed on the technology and not the aesthetic . I have all these fancy functions on my own camera, most of which don't make that much difference. I have infinite choices of iso, f-stops, exposure compensation, white balance and a multitude of pre-set shooting functions.

However, I use my camera t like my washing machine. That is, I have my functions of choice and tend to stick to them. The thing is, manufacturers provide infinite choices which leave us less satisfied than if we only had a few. Choice leaves us with a feeling that we may be missing a trick. I'd much prefer a camera with a simple manual function and at a push, aperture priority.

So to my day. I had a look at a paper for the boss for a wee bit after work. It had a gobbledie gook statistical section and had been written in an almost indecipherable style. In fact, maybe a bit like my camera magazine.... the authors may feel self-import and clever, but the usefulness of their musings is negligible due to their smart-arse tendencies.

The boss also commented on how tired I looked, with the inference that maybe I should miss swimming later. I decided to pedal into town and see how I felt after I had eaten. I went to Eighth Day for dinner. Service without a smile is their working mantra there, at least in the cafe. I like the place though as I'm comfortable sitting there on my own, eating and reading. I had a potato and courgette thing with savoy cabbage and a ginger beer. Simple, yet tasty.

I couldn't face hanging around until 8:30pm for swimming though and decided to go and pack for my weekend in Edinburgh and the St Mary's Loch triathlon on Sunday. It's Rosemary's birthday today so I'm a bit sad I can't spend it with her but I'll see her tomorrow. Happy Birthday (new) Auntie Rosemary!

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